Sunday, February 3, 2013

I want to travel.

To China to see if they have pet dragons to light their stoves.
To Spain and check if it really has the beautiful colors promised in Vicky Christina Barcelona.
To Barbados, Bolivia and Bosnia because I know nothing about them.
To Bali and Mauritius so I can be a bum.
To Italy in search of that ultimate romantic.
To the Sahara desert and look around with different angles to see if I see a mirage.
To the USA because a sizable portion of my Gujju community is settled there and I want to know why.
To Singapore, Malaysia and Bangkok because they’re cheap to go to and cheaper to shop in.
To Afghanistan for I secretly wish to click pictures with the Taliban and become famous.
To France so I can finally make use of years of French lessons and live on wine and cheese and the irresistible aroma of freshly baked bread in the countryside boulangerie.

I want to travel because I have my own little ideas about the world and I badly want them to be true!

Or do I?

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